
did you know that Jesus called you to be the light of the world?

Ignite is a new ministry at Mossneuk Parish Church run by a group of volunteers from different parts of the church. 

It is designed for young people from secondary school and beyond and will be an opportunity to chill, relax, learn, discuss, debate, argue, and, most importantly, love.

Ignite is a relatively new group so we are still thinking about who we are and what we are about. We plan to go on trips, explore, and get into the bible, debate, create, cook, and enjoy the company of one another.  

We are currently working on sharing musical talent and spending time worshipping and we've decided to meet once per fortnight until we really get going and see where God leads us.

Next Ignite:

To Be Confirmed

contact: ignite@mossneuk.church
